Home Page | Acacia is a very large genus of shrub and trees coming from all over the tropical world. There are a large number of acacias that grow remarkably well in the southwestern USA. They share a light, fine, foliage. The leaves are generally either bipinnate, or in many species the actual leaflets are gone, and the leaf looking structure is actual the modified leaf stalk and is called phyllode. A few don't even have phyllodes, and instead the stems have flat extensions named cladodes. The name acacia comes from the Greek for thorns, since a large number of species are thorny. The flowers are small, but they are crowded in globular or finger shaped structures, looking like puffballs. They often come in large quantities at the end of the winter or early spring, and can be rather spectacular. They are followed by woody seed pods.
They can be propagated easily by seeds. The seeds generally needs some treatment to weaken the waterproof layer coating it. They can be dipped for 5 minutes in boiling water and then kept in warm water for a couple of days, or the glossy coating can be lightly sanded. It is also possible to propagate many of the acacias with semi-hardwood cuttings, although the species with phyllodes are generally easier. Most species grow rapidly if provided with adequate water and fertilizer, but many are short lived.
Acacia adunca Wallangara Wattle Acacia albida Apple-ring Acacia, Winter thorn, Ana tree Acacia aneura Mulga Acacia Acacia angustissima Whiteball Acacia, Fern Acacia, Timbre Acacia armata Kangaroo Thorn Acacia auriculiformis Earleaf Acacia, Northern Black Wattle Acacia baileyana Cootamundra Wattle Acacia cognata Bower Wattle, River Wattle Acacia covenyi Blue Bush Acacia craspedocarpa Waxleaf Acacia, Leatherleaf Acacia Acacia cultriformis Knife Acacia, Knife Leaf Wattle Acacia dealbata Silver Wattle Acacia decora Graceful Wattle Acacia drummondii Drummond's Wattle Acacia erioloba Camel Thorn, Giraffe Thorn Acacia glaucoptera Clay Wattle, Queen Wattle Acacia iteaphylla Flinders Range Wattle Acacia koa Acacia longifolia Sydney Golden Wattle Acacia mangium Mangium, Forest Mangrove Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood Acacia Acacia nilotica Motse, Egyptian Mimosa, Egyptian Thorn Acacia notabilis Notable Wattle Acacia occidentalis Sonoran Tree Catclaw, Tésota Acacia paradoxa Kangaroo Thorn Acacia pendula Weeping Myall, Weeping Acacia Acacia pennatula Fernleaf Acacia, Sierra Madre Acacia, Huizache Acacia peuce Waddy Wood Acacia podalyriifolia Queensland Silver Wattle, Pearl Acacia Acacia pravissima Ovens Wattle Acacia pravissima Ovens Wattle Acacia pycnantha Golden Wattle Acacia redolens Desert Carpet (TM), Prostrate Acacia Acacia retinodes Water Wattle, Everblooming Acacia Acacia rostellifera Skunk Tree, Summer scented wattle Acacia salicina Willow Acacia, Australian Willow Acacia saligna Blue Leaf Wattle Acacia schaffneri Twisted Acacia, Huizache Chino Acacia sphaerocephala Bee Wattle, Bull's-Horn Acacia Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Acacia tetragonophylla Dead Finish, Prickly Wattle Acacia trachycarpa Minnieritchie Acacia verticillata Prickly Moses, Prickly-leaved Wattle Acacia vestita Hairy Wattle, Weeping Boree Synonym and obsolete names Acacia abyssinica synonym of Vachellia abyssinica (Flat-Top Acacia) Acacia acicularis synonym of Vachellia farnesiana (Sweet Acacia) Acacia amentacea synonym of Vachellia rigidula (Blackbrush Acacia, Chaparro Prieto) Acacia arabica synonym of Acacia nilotica (Motse, Egyptian Mimosa, Egyptian Thorn) Acacia berlandieri synonym of Senegalia berlandieri (Guajillo, Plains Acacia) Acacia caffra synonym of Senegalia caffra (Kaffir Thorn) Acacia constricta synonym of Vachellia constricta (White Thorn, Mescat Acacia) Acacia cyanophylla synonym of Acacia saligna (Blue Leaf Wattle) Acacia decurrens var. dealbata synonym of Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) Acacia decurrens var. mollis synonym of Acacia mearnsii (Black Wattle) Acacia dolichocephala synonym of Acacia sphaerocephala (Bee Wattle, Bull's-Horn Acacia) Acacia emoryana synonym of Senegalia berlandieri (Guajillo, Plains Acacia) Acacia farnesiana synonym of Vachellia farnesiana (Sweet Acacia) Acacia flexicaulis synonym of Ebenopsis ebano (Texas Ebony) Acacia floribunda synonym of Acacia retinodes (Water Wattle, Everblooming Acacia) Acacia giraffae synonym of Acacia erioloba (Camel Thorn, Giraffe Thorn) Acacia gracilis synonym of Zapoteca formosa ssp. rosei Acacia greggii synonym of Senegalia greggii (Cat Claw Acacia, Texas Mimosa) Acacia minuta synonym of Vachellia farnesiana (Sweet Acacia) Acacia minuta ssp. densiflora synonym of Vachellia farnesiana (Sweet Acacia) Acacia mollissima synonym of Acacia mearnsii (Black Wattle) Acacia ongerup synonym of Acacia redolens (Desert Carpet (TM), Prostrate Acacia) Acacia ornithophora synonym of Acacia paradoxa (Kangaroo Thorn) Acacia provincialis synonym of Acacia retinodes (Water Wattle, Everblooming Acacia) Acacia retinoides synonym of Acacia retinodes (Water Wattle, Everblooming Acacia) Acacia rigidula synonym of Vachellia rigidula (Blackbrush Acacia, Chaparro Prieto) Acacia smallii synonym of Vachellia farnesiana (Sweet Acacia) Acacia subporosa synonym of Acacia cognata (Bower Wattle, River Wattle) Acacia veracruzensis synonym of Acacia sphaerocephala (Bee Wattle, Bull's-Horn Acacia) Acacia willardiana synonym of Mariosousa willardiana (Palo Blanco, Willard's Acacia) Acacia xiphocarpa synonym of Vachellia abyssinica (Flat-Top Acacia) Desert Tropicals Home Page List of All the Plants | More in the Fabaceae family Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. if you notice anything that needs to be changed please contact us.Thanks. © 1998-2020 Philippe Faucon, All Rights Reserved. |