About Desert-Tropicals.com
What is on Desert-Tropicals.com
site? Desert-Tropicals is designed to provide you information
about plants. Our goal is to have gardening information on all
the plants that one can encounter in Arizona. Considering that
gardeners are an adventurous bunch, it represents a lot of different types
of plant. It not only covers the plants that can grow outside in the
ground, but also the large number of container grown, strictly tropical
How did it start? Desert-Tropicals.com is the brain
child of Philippe Faucon. It started during the holidays in
December 1998, and grew up for a number of years. The number of species in
the database was almost 1000 at the end of 1999 with about 10,000 visits a
month. By the end of 2002, there were over 7000 pages and 400,000
visits per month. Sadly, then, the site was not maintained for a number of years. It represents many, many hours taking pictures,
researching, asking people about what is growing in their garden.
There was a long hiatus. Life happens. This April 2020
Philippe was stuck at home, hiding from the coronavirus. It seemed like a great
time to take care of it again. Most of the tools to maintain the software are obsolete and gone. It is quite an undertaking
to actualize it.
We are not a nursery. This is about
Internet, about information available for free.
Who is Philippe? Philippe was born in
France. His parents are still making wine in the south of France a
couple of miles away from the springs where the Perrier water comes
from. Philippe has been heavily involved
in desert gardening since he first arrived in the valley of the sun in
1984 and is designing software for a living. He has 3
children, the youngest was born in August 2000.
How is the site financed? The site is running very
lean, the monthly expenses are mostly covered by some advertising income.
How can you help? We would
also love to have more articles or pictures. Just tell us about what
grows well in your garden. Talk about us to your family and

Desert Tropicals Home Page
List of All the Plants /b>
Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas,
and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants
on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur.
if you notice anything that needs to be changed please contact us.Thanks.
© 1998-2020 Philippe Faucon, All Rights Reserved.