
 Bulbine is a mostly southern African genus of about 25 species. There are some Australian plants from the genus bulbinopsis, occasionally included in bulbine. Most of the bulbines are rather succulent, rosette shaped, stemless or with very short stems. Flowers are characterized by their hairy stamens. Although most species do not have a bulb, the genus name comes from the Greek for bulb.

Except for Bulbine frutescens, they should not be exposed to frost. They are fairly drought resistant, but should be watered regularly even during their dormant period in late spring and summer.

Bulbine frutescens 'Hallmark'

Bulbine latifolia

Species and varieties
Bulbine alooides (Renosterveld Bulbine)
Bulbine caulescens synonym of Bulbine frutescens (Stalked Bulbine, Rankkopieva)
Bulbine frutescens (Stalked Bulbine, Rankkopieva)
Bulbine latifolia (rooiwortel)
Bulbine natalensis synonym of Bulbine latifolia (rooiwortel)

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