Purple heart, Wandering Jew

Scientific Name: Setcreasea pallida (Rose) D.R. Hunt
Synonym: Setcreasea purpurea, Tradescantia pallida
Family: Commelinaceae
Purple heart, Wandering Jew(Setcreasea pallida)
Setcresea pallida 'Purple Heart'
Recommended Temperature Zone:
Sunset®: 12-28
USDA: 8b-11

Frost Tolerance: Resists light frosts. If the top is frozen, it will generally bounce back in the spring.

Heat Tolerance: Light shade in Phoenix for a lusher look

Sun Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade

Origin: Louisiana, Florida, Eastern Mexico

Growth Habits: Evergreen perennial up to 12 inches tall (30 cm)

Watering Needs: Moderate water, somewhat drought resistant

Propagation: Cuttings

Purple heart, Wandering Jew(Setcreasea pallida)

The variety 'Purple heart' is the most commonly encountered, but occasionally you can find a greenish and purple variety that I find also pretty attractive. The Setcreasea is an attractive plant that grows even in summer, and can add color in difficult areas. The stems are very breakable, and needs to be kept away from busy areas.
This plant is now generally classified as a Tradescantia.

Blooming Habits:
Pink, relatively inconspicuous blossoms.

The setcreasea is susceptible to scale, mites, mealy bugs, and whiteflies.

Stems stuck in the ground will generally grow.


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