Sun Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Origin: Tropical Americas
Growth Habits: Small to medium tree, evergreen, or briefly deciduous in the spring, 15 to 25 feet tall and wide (4.5-7.5 m) or much more in the wild (100 feet - 30 m); broadly rounded shape ; dark green to olive green palmately compound leaves, 5 leaflets with serrate margin, 2 to 4 inches long (5-10 cm), 1 to 2 inches wide (2.5-5 cm)
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer, sparingly if at all in winter, doesn't like coastal areas, tolerates reflected heat
Propagation: Fresh seeds (germinate in 2 to 3 weeks), cuttings or layering
Blooming Habits:
Bright pink, trumpet-shaped flowers (occasionally white), with yellow orange throat, 2 to 3 inches long (7.5-10 cm), up to 1.4 inches wide (3.5 cm), in dense terminal clusters, containing up to 75 flowers, mostly in the spring, but often also in the fall.
Fruiting Habits:
The brown, hairy, 6 to 12 inches long (15-30 cm) seed pods persist on the tree through the winter. They contain winged seeds.
Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. if you notice anything that needs to be changed please contact us.Thanks.
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