Baby Toes, Sand

Scientific Name: Fenestraria rhopalophylla (Schltr. & Diels) N.E. Br.
Family: Aizoaceae
Baby Toes, Sand(Fenestraria rhopalophylla)
Recommended Temperature Zone:
USDA: 10-11

Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 25°F (-4°C)

Heat Tolerance: Should be kept inside in summer in Phoenix

Sun Exposure: Light shade

Origin: Coastal South Africa (Richtersveld), Namibia

Growth Habits: Evergreen perennial up to 6 inches tall

Watering Needs: Winter grower, extremely rot prone in summer

Propagation: Seeds, or division

Similar looking to Frithia pulchra but with yellow flowers instead of pink. In the wild, this plant is mostly buried, the tip of each leaf is transparent, and diffuse the light to the rest of the leaf.
Fenestraria auriantaca is now considered a subspecies of Fenestraria rhopalophylla.

Blooming Habits:
The Fenestrarias have white to yellow flowers, in autumn.

This plant is quite difficult to keep alive in summer in Phoenix if kept outside (another way to put it, is that I am killing them year after year). It does grow okay the rest of the year.
The Fenestraria doesn't need frequent repotting. When repotting be careful not to disturb the roots more than needed.


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