Ravenea hildebrandtii

Scientific Name: Ravenea hildebrandtii
Ravenea hildebrandtii
Min. Temperature: 27°F (-3°C)
Water Requirements: Regular water
Sun Requirements: Light shade
Origin: Madagascar
Leaf: Pinnate

Ravenea hildebrandtii come from the Comoros, which is located off the cost of Madagascar. This is a small growing palm that prefers well drained soil and seems to take some cold. I have one of these rare palms in a pot, located under a Livistona palm. I have not seen any cold damage this winter(low 29.5). The only problem I have had with this palm is spidermites which I washed off with soap. If you happen to find one of these gems, grab it. This photo was taken at Fairchild Tropical in Feb. 1999, they have two of these palms and I have heard that theses are the most photographed palms in the garden.

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