Coccothrinax miraguama

Scientific Name: Coccothrinax miraguama (Kunth) Leon
Coccothrinax miraguama
Size: Up to 20 feet tall (6 m) Up to 12 feet in diameter
Min. Temperature: 26 to 28°F (-3 to -2°C)
Water Requirements: Moderate
Sun Requirements: Full sun to light shade
Origin: Cuba and Hispaniola
Leaf: Palmate, 20 to 30 almost circular leaves, silvery lower surface, 40 to 60 segments, up to 5 feet wide (1.5 m). unarmed.
Trunk: Covered with old leaf bases and fibers. After a while, the trunk becomes bare and grey
Flower: Cream bisexual flowers. Flower stalk coming from among the leaves, 3 feet long (90 cm).
Fruit: Red when ripening turning dark red to black when ripe. 0.5 inch in diameter. round.