Aculeata Fan Palm

Scientific Name: Brahea aculeata (Brandegee)H.E. Moore
Brahea aculeata
Size: 12 feet tall (3.6 m)
Min. Temperature: 23°F (-5°C)
Water Requirements: Little water
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Origin: Western Mexico
Leaf: Costapalmate, Yellowish green. 30 to 40 leaflets. Leaf split to 2/3 of its. sharp distantly spaced thorns.
Trunk: Closely ringed trunk, 8 inches in diameter (20 cm).
Flower: Small, white, bisexual. Flower stalk coming from between the leaves, shorter than the leaves. 2. 6, 3 carpels stamens.
Fruit: Black. 0.75 to 1 inch in diameter (2-2.5 cm). roundish.

The genus was named after Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer.
The leaves are used for thatching.

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